Mes noviembre 2014

Tenure-Track Assistant / Associate Professor Forensic Statistician

The NC State Chancellor’s Faculty Excellence Program and Department of Statistics at NC State University seeks to hire a tenure-track Assistant Professor to begin in August 2015.  Exceptional candidates at the associate- and full-professor levels will also be considered.  The… Seguir leyendo →

Chair in Statistical Science, Bristol, UK

Chair in Statistical Science, Bristol, UK Deadline for applications : 12th December 2014 Further particulars available from reference ACAD101134 The University of Bristol seeks an outstanding candidate to appoint as Professor of Statistical Science (Full Professor in the US system). The… Seguir leyendo →

Lecturers in Statistical Science, Bristol, UK

Lecturers in Statistical Science, Bristol, UK Deadline for applications : 12th December 2014 Further particulars available from reference ACAD101135 The University of Bristol seeks outstanding candidates for one or more Lectureships (equivalent to assistant/associate professorships in US terminology) in Statistical science, tenable… Seguir leyendo →

Statistics Faculty Position – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Statistics Faculty Position Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge, MA MIT is launching a cross-Institute center focusing on research and education in Statistics and Information Systems. Consequently, MIT is seeking candidates for a faculty position starting in September 2015 or… Seguir leyendo →

Workshop SEA: R Programming and Mixtures

Apreciados compañeros y compañeras, El Servei d’Estadística Aplicada tiene el placer de anunciaros el próximo WORKSHOP DEL SEA: R Programming and Mixtures, impartido por Jochen Einbeck, que se realizará el día 12 de diciembre. enlace  — Descargar Workshop SEA: R Programming… Seguir leyendo →

InfoCOSCE Nº 9 – Octubre de 2014

El número 9 de InfoCOSCE, el boletín de la Confederación de Sociedades Científicas de España puede encontrarse en — Descargar InfoCOSCE Nº 9 – Octubre de 2014 como PDF —

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