Mes octubre 2015

Postdoctoral research position on informative priors for Bayesian inference

The Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy invites application for a two-year postdoctoral research position on informative prior for Bayesian inference.  This Postdoc Research Fellow position is funded by the Office of Naval Research to perform research on… Seguir leyendo →

PhD position in Leiden

PhD position in Statistics  Faculty of Science, Mathematical Institute, Leiden University, The Netherlands  — Descargar PhD position in Leiden como PDF —

Congreso Internacional de Multicriterio y Finanzas en honor del Profesor Enrique Ballestero

The International Conference on Multidimensional Finance, Insurance and Investment is devoted to the recent developments and applications of the Multi-Criteria Decision Aid tools in the field of finance and insurance. This scientific event disseminates recent methods and procedures designed to… Seguir leyendo →

III Jornadas sobre Seguridad, Defensa, Tecnologías Matemáticas y Computacionales (12 y 13 de noviembre, A Coruña)

Estimados compañeros/as, Nos  ponemos en contacto con vosotros para invitaros a participar en la celebración de las “III Jornadas sobre Seguridad, Defensa, Tecnologías Matemáticas y Computacionales” que tendrán lugar en A Coruña el 12 y 13 de noviembre de 2015,… Seguir leyendo →

Conferencias plenarias – XII Congreso SGAPEIO

Lugo, 8 de octubre de 2015 XII Congreso SGAPEIO – conferencias plenarias  — Descargar Conferencias plenarias – XII Congreso SGAPEIO como PDF —

RSS Webinar with Bradley Efron, Andrew Gelman and Peter Diggle: 21st October, 4pm (UK time), 8am (PDT) and 11am (EDT)

Dear all, The Royal Statistical Society is delighted to announce that Bradley Efron will present his recently published paper at our next Journal webinar on Wednesday 21st October at 4pm (UK time). We are also very pleased to welcome Andrew… Seguir leyendo →

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