Position description: 

The Chemical Engineering Department of Université Laval, Science and Engineering Faculty invites applications for a tenure-track appointment at the level of either Assistant, Associate or Full Professor, related to the Chair in Educational Leadership of Professor Carl Duchesne in the field of industrial process data analysis. Responsibilities for this position include: teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, participation to administrative activities, supervision of graduate student and undertaking of a strong research program in at least one of the following target areas:

Process systems engineering including its application to modeling, simulation, process control and optimization; multivariate statistical methods for industrial data analysis and their application to real-time monitoring, optimization and industrial process control.


Candidates must possess a bachelor and a doctorate in chemical engineering or a discipline judged equivalent, be a member of or eligible for membership with the Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec, and have a good knowledge of spoken and written French.

Candidates must be able to teach a number of undergraduate core courses in chemical engineering. Academic as well as industrial experience will be taken into consideration.

The following selection criteria will also apply:

-Research program relevancy and an excellent capacity to develop this program

-Excellent teaching capacities

-Harmonious integration into the university and department community

Start date: May 1st, 2016.


Applications should comprise a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, a description of the intended research program as well as three reference letters and be sent to the attention of:

Alain Garnier, Directeur

Département de génie chimique

Université Laval

1065, av. de la Médecine

Québec (Québec)

Canada, G1V 0A6

Telephone: (418) 656 3106

E-mail address:

Application examination will start January 15th 2016 but will keep going until the position is filled.

Université Laval is a French university where instruction is in French.

Valuing diversity, Université Laval encourages all qualified individuals to apply-particularly women, visible and ethnic minorities, aboriginal persons, and persons with disabilities-but priority will be given to Canadians and Canadian permanent residents.

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