Assistant Professor Position (tenure track) in the Department of Statistics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid The Department of Statistics of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid has one opening for Full-Time Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, to teach courses in English and Spanish,… Seguir leyendo →
Diderot Mathematical Forum 2016: Biomedical Applications of Mathematics (Paris, Madrid, Milan). March 15, 2016 First announcement The cycle of conferences “Diderot Mathematical Forum” was introduced by the European Mathematical Society in 1996. Each conference takes place simultaneously in three… Seguir leyendo →
La Asociación R-Hispano tiene el placer de anunciar la celebración de las VIII Jornadas de Usuarios de R. En esta ocasión, será la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, en su campus de Albacete, quien acoja las Jornadas los días 17 y… Seguir leyendo →
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