The International Biometric Society Awards Fund Committee has instituted a program to assist IBS members from developing countries in attending conferences sponsored by IBS Regions or Networks.
If you are interested in attending a conference in 2017, either in your own Region or outside of it, but don’t have the resources to attend, please consider submitting an application for a travel grant. This Society program is competitive, and 2017 grants will not exceed $2,000 USD.
The guidelines for awarding grants are available on the IBS website.
All applications for funds should be completed and submitted via the IBS Regional Meeting Travel Grant Application at least 90 days prior to the conference you wish to attend. Please check the IBS Meetings Calendar for the various dates and additional information about the many conferences scheduled for 2017.
We encourage you to participate in this wonderful IBS program and look forward to receiving your applications.
Click here to apply now!
International Biometric Office