Abstract submission extended to 11.59pm GMT on the 5th of March for ISCB/ASC 2018, Melbourne, Australia.
Joint International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB) and Australian Statistical Conference (ASC) 2018 26-30 August 2018, Melbourne, Australia.
To ensure that there is no confusion around time zones, abstract submission for the ISCB/ASC 2018 conference has been extended to 11.59PM GMT on Monday the 5th of March. This is your last chance to present your research at this unique and exciting conference, so submit your abstract now! Please note that abstracts submitted after this time will not be accepted for presentation at the conference.
The ISCB/ASC conference promises to be an exceptional event, with a stimulating line-up of keynote and invited speakers, an exciting range of social events from student gatherings to great food and company at the conference dinner, and a wide variety of conference excursions enabling delegates to explore Melbourne and the surrounds. It is also the perfect chance for international colleagues to explore our great country.
Full details of the conference program and the social events of the conference program can be found at www.iscbasc2018.com.
Note Early-Bird Registration closes on 31 May.