The Interuniversity Institute for Biostatistics and statistical Bioinformatics organizes for the second time a summer school on Bayesian methods. During one week, two courses will be taught on specific topics in Bayesian methodology. The focus is on Bayesian methods that are relevant for the applied statistician. Special attention will be devoted to novel statistical methodology.

In the second edition of the summer school the following two courses will be organized in Leuven from 24 to 28 September 2018:

  • Three-day course (24-26 September) on Bayesian Parametric and Nonparametric Methods for Missing Data and Causal Inference by Dr. Michael Daniels (University Florida, US)
  • Two-day course (27-28 September) on Bayesian Methods in Health Economic Evaluation by Dr. Gianluca Baio (University College London, UK)

The target audience of summer school are statisticians and/or epidemiologists with a sound background in statistics, but also with background in Bayesian methodology.

In both courses, practical sessions are organized, so participants are asked to bring along their laptop with the appropriate software (to be announced) pre-installed.

The registration costs for the courses are:

Three-day course                                                                                       Two-day course

I-Biostat member:            € 50                                                                   I-Biostat member:           € 50

PhD student:                     € 150                                                                 PhD student:                   € 100

Academic:                         € 300                                                                 Academic:                       € 200

ISBA member:                  € 300                                                                 ISBA member:                 € 200

Research institute:          € 300                                                                 Research institute:          € 200

Industry:                            € 900                                                                 Industry:                           € 600

Note that one is registered to the course, ONLY when the registration costs have been paid. The deadline for registration is August 31, 2018.

More information about the courses and practicalities (registration, location, transportation, etc.) can be found in due time on

Please reserve already this week in September 2018!

For additional questions, please contact Kirsten Verhaegen (