Dear colleagues,

A one-day workshop on recent advances in joint modelling of longitudinal and time-to-event data will take place at Lancaster University on 16th October 2019 from 11am to 5pm.

The workshop will include an interactive session on joint modelling software in R presented by Ruwanthi Kolamunnage-Dona and Maria Sudell (University of Liverpool).

Confirmed speakers: Jeremy Taylor (University of Michigan), Andrew Grieve (UCB Pharma Ltd)

Registration and abstract submission is now open. Areas of interest include:

        • Joint modelling of longitudinal and time-to-event data

        • Bayesian methods for joint models

        • Application of joint models in clinical trials

        • Bayesian and model-based methods in clinical trials in general

Abstracts should be submitted to Matthias Brueckner ( by 16th August. Attendance of the workshop is free of charge.

Registration by email to Matthias Brueckner ( by 1st September. 
Please note: places on the workshop are limited.

The workshop is funded by the Biometrika Fellowship “Bayesian adaptive designs based on joint models of longitudinal and time-to-event data».

For further information visit