Mes junio 2023


The European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA), located in Brussels, Belgium, supports the work of the European Research Council, the first pan-European funding body sustaining excellent frontier research in Europe. The ERCEA is dedicated to selecting and funding the excellent… Seguir leyendo →

Workshop: Data-Science para biociencias (R, Python, Bioinformática)

5 de julio de 2023 de 9:00 a 18:00 – On-line Organizado por BIOST3 e IRBio Jornada práctica de talleres de introducción (8h) Programación con R Programación con python Análisis estadístico de datos Visualización de datos Técnicas de Machine Learning… Seguir leyendo →

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Digital Medicine

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Digital Medicine DATAI is seeking applications from motivated young researchers with an excellent track record in Bioinformatics and Data Science to fill one Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Digital Medicine position. The position is funded for three… Seguir leyendo →

1st European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence (ESSAI) & 20th Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence (ACAI)

European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence The European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence (ESSAI) is a direct product of European AI research being increasingly coordinated and scaled up across projects, research organisations and countries. ESSAI’s immediate predecessors are the Advanced… Seguir leyendo →

VII Jornadas Científicas de Estudiantes de la SEB

  Estimadxs estudiantes y jóvenes de la Sociedad Española de Bioestadística (SEB), Nos alegra comunicaros que la séptima edición de las Jornadas Científicas de Estudiantes se celebrará del 7 al 9 de febrero de 2024. Así mismo, nos complace anunciar… Seguir leyendo →

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