Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Digital Medicine
DATAI is seeking applications from motivated young researchers with an excellent track record in Bioinformatics and Data Science to fill one Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Digital Medicine position. The position is funded for three years through the PORTRAIT project, a European ERA PerMed grant in the Prevention in Personalized Medicine program (ERA Net Grant 779282). The PORTRAIT project aims to develop a multiomic stratification and non-invasive tool for early recognition of triple negative and Her2+ breast cancer patients’ responders to neoadjuvant therapy.
Job and Application Process
- The position is based at UN Pamplona’s central campus. A hybrid virtual and in-person arrangement could be discussed.
- Review of applications is ongoing and will continue until the position is filled.
- Three years of contract supported by the PORTRAIT ERA PerMed project.
- Opportunity to join a fast-growing research center to work on a socially impactful topic.
You can apply here.
More information: link
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