Designed Experiments: Recent Advances in Methods and Applications DEMA 2015

14-17 December 2015

University of Technology Sydney

Sydney, Australia


DEMA 2015 will bring together researchers and practitioners for the interchange of new ideas on the design and analysis of experiments. The workshop will emphasise both methodology and application areas, and should be of interest to scientists and engineers who use experiments, as well as to statisticians. Researchers of all levels of experience, including PhD students, are encouraged to participate and submit abstracts for talks and poster presentations.

This will be the fourth meeting in the DEMA series, which started in Southampton in 2006. This will be the first DEMA meeting outside the UK (“DEMA Down Under!”).

Scientific Programme

The scientific programme will include keynote talks and invited presentations from leading researchers from around the world. Abstracts for contributed talks and posters are encouraged, particularly from early career researchers and PhD students. Abstracts should be submitted online with the conference registration form.

Early Career Scholarships

We plan to offer a limited number of scholarships to provide a modest contribution to conference expenses for early career researchers (PhD students and researchers within 3 years of obtaining a PhD) who contribute a poster or talk. These will be awarded on the basis of a submitted abstract and a curriculum vitae.


The conference will be held at the University of Technology, Sydney at the edge of the Sydney central business district and close to Central train station and the Darling Harbour entertainment quarter and numerous accommodation options.

Important Dates

Early-bird registration closes: 31 August 2015 Deadline for contributed abstracts: 1 July 2015 Conference dates: 14 – 17 December 2015

Sponsored by JMP, VSNi and the International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics.

Scientific Advisory Committee

Dave Woods (University of Southampton, Chair) Stephen Bush (University of Technology Sydney) Sue Lewis (University of Southampton) Ken Russell (Charles Sturt University) Debbie Street (University of Technology Sydney) John Stufken (Arizona State University) Min Yang (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Local Organising Committee

Debbie Street (University of Technology Sydney, Chair) Stephen Bush (University of Technology Sydney) James McGree (Queensland University of Technology) Ken Russell (Charles Sturt University) Dave Woods (University of Southampton) Min Yang (University of Illinois at Chicago)

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