Categoría Ofertas de postgrado

PhD Opportunity at University of Leicester

Applications are now open for a PhD position in Biostatistics at the University of Leicester.   This is an exciting opportunity to undertaken a fully funded PhD project with generous stipend to work with Dr Michael Sweeting and Professor Paul… Seguir leyendo →

PostDoc opportunity in Pharmacoepidemiology, NDORMS, University of Oxford

NUFFIELD DEPARTMENT OF ORTHOPAEDICS, RHEUMATOLOGY AND MUSCULOSKELETAL SCIENCES (NDORMS)   Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Pharmacoepidemiology (140693)   Grade 7: Salary in the range of £32,236 – £39,609 per annum   Applications are invited for the position of a Postdoctoral Research… Seguir leyendo →

Plaza contrato post-doctoral en estadística

El grupo de investigación en Epidemiología Ambiental y Desarrollo Infantil de BIODONOSTIA informa de una plaza post-doctoral que podría ser de su interés. Se trata de un puesto de investigador/a como estadístico/a que se incorporaría al grupo 28 de Consorcio… Seguir leyendo →

PhD positions at Politecnico di Milano

We inform you about the opportunity of Ph.D. positions in data science and biostatistics, currently opened at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Specifically:  6 Ph.D. fellowships within the Ph.D. program in Data Analytics and Decision Sciences (DADS) 1 Ph.D. fellowship within the Ph.D…. Seguir leyendo →

Postdoctoral Research Fellow – Data Science in Neurodisability & Rehabilitation

This new position is ideal for an early-career postdoctoral biostatistician who wishes to engage collaboratively in research seeking to improve our understanding and the management of neurodevelopmental disabilities (incl. cerebral palsy, autism and intellectual disability) , while also having the opportunity to… Seguir leyendo →

Two PhD positions at the Oslo Centre for Biostatitics and Epidemiology

The Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Oslo University Hospital, offers two 4-year PhD positions.  The first position is in the field of epidemiology using data from a randomized controlled trial and questionnaire survey. The project is about the effect… Seguir leyendo →

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