Categoría Ofertas de postgrado

University of Milan-Bicocca: PhD ECOSTATDATA

University of Milan-Bicocca PhD ECOSTATDATA Fellowships 39th cycle Five fully funded PhD fellowships in STATISTICS are available within the PhD programme ECOSTATDATA at the University of Milan Bicocca for the 39th cycle. The PhD program extends over four years (Nov… Seguir leyendo →

Oferta Contrato Predoctoral “Métodos Computacionales en Estadística Bayesiana”

Categoría: Contrato Investigador Predoctoral (Licenciado/a, Graduado/a, Máster). Duración: 3 meses (período de prueba) pero prorrogable hasta agosto de 2025. Salario: 1900 €/mes brutos (aproximadamente).   Proyecto: Computación y selección Bayesiana de modelos altamente parametrizados (COSESBAYES) – SBPLY/21/180501/000241 Entidad financiadora: Junta… Seguir leyendo →

2nd Call for Predoctoral Grants of the WIT Program (Welcoming International Talent)

Call for 8 pre-doctoral researchers in one of the 4 strategic areas of the program. From DATAI we offer a possible thesis on «Personalized medicine determining optimal patient-driven treatments«. The candidates are required to have a deep mathematical and statistical… Seguir leyendo →

Posiciones epidemiología clínica post-doctorales – Instituto Kronikgune

El Instituto Kronikgune (, dedicado a la investigación en organización y gestión de sistemas de salud y sociosanitarios, y ubicado en Bilbao (País Vasco), está interesado en incorporar a su equipo una persona con perfil de epidemiología clínica que pueda… Seguir leyendo →

Statistician/ Data Scientist for the EXPANSE project

The Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) is a cutting-edge institute addressing global public health challenges through research, translation into policy and education. ISGlobal has a broad portfolio in communicable and non-communicable diseases including environmental and climate determinants, and applies… Seguir leyendo →

2022 Multiple Postdoctoral research fellowships

The UC3M-Santander Big Data Institute (IBiDat) ( is a joint initiative by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Banco Santander. It was founded in 2015 and it has rapidly become an institution of reference in the area of Big Data… Seguir leyendo →

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