Categoría Ofertas de postgrado

Contrato Post-doctoral en Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

El grupo de investigación MODESTYA (Modelos de optimización, decisión, estadística y aplicaciones, de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela ofrece un contrato post-doctoral. La persona candidata deberá desarrollar una línea de investigación en el área da Estadística e Investigación Operativa, preferiblemente… Seguir leyendo →

NIHR Studentships available for Masters Study in Medical Statistics at Lancaster University

The MSc in Statistics at Lancaster is a 12 month taught masters programme offering medical, pharmaceutical, and environmental pathways. This year we have 3 NIHR studentships available. Each studentship covers full fees at UK/EU level and provides a tax-free stipend… Seguir leyendo →

PhD and Postdoc, Oslo, Norway

Two positions are available in Oslo, Norway: 1. A PhD research fellowship in statistics is available at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Oslo, Norway. This PhD project is part of our research activities in model-based big data… Seguir leyendo →

3-year postdoc position in Statistics at the University of Bristol

Applications are now invited for a 3-year postdoctoral research associate (PDRA) position in statistics/machine-learning/data-science funded by the BBSRC grant “Bayesian and machine-learning-based analysis of high-volume super-resolution microscopy data for molecular-level cell phenotyping”. The PDRA will work with Dr Patrick Rubin-Delanchy, within the Institute for Statistical Science of the… Seguir leyendo →

Job Offer: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Exeter

We are pleased to offer an outstanding opportunity for a Research Fellow with advanced statistical skills to join the lively and growing team in the Centre for Research in Ageing and Cognitive Health (REACH), based at our St Luke’s campus…. Seguir leyendo →

Postdoctoral research fellow at University of Leeds

Are you interested in applying your statistical and/or mathematical training to medicine? Would you like to be involved in a prestigious methodology grant on a clinical trial design to evaluate complex interventions in institutional settings? Would you like to work… Seguir leyendo →

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