Categoría Ofertas de postgrado

Studentship: MRC Industrial CASE PhD 2018 at University of Warwick

In collaboration with Roche, the PhD project will address an important issue on the role played by continuous biomarkers in the identification of patients most likely to benefit from a particular treatment within the setting of Personalised HealthCare. In order… Seguir leyendo →

Postdoctoral Call: Beatriu de Pinòs 2017

The Beatriu de Pinòs 2017 Postdoctoral Call (funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya) is open, and it awards 60 postdoctoral contracts in any knowledge area. The fellowships must have a minimal term of two years. Depending upon budgetary availability, these grants may be renewed for… Seguir leyendo →

Studentship: MSc in Medical Statistics, Leicester

Have you considered Medical Statistics as a stimulating and rewarding career pathway in which you can apply your mathematics skills? The area is rapidly developing and our graduates are very successful in securing jobs in the pharmaceutical industry, NHS and… Seguir leyendo →

PhD position in Belfast

There is an exciting interdisciplinary PhD opportunity in the Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology at Queen’s University Belfast which may be of interest to students with a radiation biology or physics background.  Despite extensive evidence that the immune… Seguir leyendo →

PhD in Biostatistics at Erasmus MC in the Netherlands

This research project focusses on the analysis of longitudinal data on patients with Pompe disease, a rare multi-systemic disorder. Patients with this inheritable disorder develop progressive muscle weakness. This study will try to unravel how clinical measurements and patient-reported outcome… Seguir leyendo →

Studentship: PhD at Warwick Medical School

The project title is «Statistical design and analysis of clinical studies using personalised healthcare under biomarker uncertainty».     In collaboration with Roche, the PhD project will address an important issue on the role played by continuous biomarkers in the identification of… Seguir leyendo →

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