Categoría Ofertas de trabajo

Research Fellow post, HEHTA, University of Glasgow

Research Fellow HEHTA, University of Glasgow Salary Range    £41,709 – £48,327 

Job: 2-year postdoctoral research assistant in statistical genetics

Dear All, We are looking for a suitable candidate to develop new statistical methods and software for predicting the future performance of animals (e.g. milk yield etc.) based on their genetic traits. The main task will involve the development and… Seguir leyendo →

IMUS International call for two 4-years post-doctoral contracts in mathematics

IMUS CALL FOR «2 contracts of access to the Spanish System of Science, Technology and Innovation for the development of the University of Seville R&D&I program» (Reference: PPI2016-II.5. Calling party: University of Seville) (Associate Professor). The position profile, procedure, requirements… Seguir leyendo →

JOB: Assistant professor position in Statistics at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland)

The School of Basic Sciences at EPFL invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor in statistics. We seek candidates in all areas of modern statistical methodology, theory, and computation and their interface with the emerging theme of data science. The… Seguir leyendo →

JOB: University of Leeds

«University Academic Fellow» in Statistics School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, UK Essentially a lecturer post, with initially no teaching, which leads (on completion of probation) to the appointment of associate professor. 

Contrato para menores de 30 años en el servicio de asesoría estadística de la UCLM

La UCLM convoca un contrato en el marco del programa de “Promoción de Empleo Joven e Implantación de la Garantía Juvenil en I+D+i del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” ( con el perfil de “FORMACIÓN EN ASESORAMIENTO ESTADÍSTICO Y MATEMÁTICO”…. Seguir leyendo →

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