Categoría Ofertas de trabajo

[BCAM] IC_2015 Spring / Call for 4 Postdocs

International Call for Postdoctoral fellowships BCAM, the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics whose mission is to develop high quality interdisciplinary research in the frontiers of Applied Mathematics, has opened an International Call for 4 postdocs offering the following research areas:  — Descargar [BCAM] IC_2015 Spring… Seguir leyendo →

Contrato predoctoral Estadística Espacial

Categoría: Contrato Predoctoral (Licenciado/a, Graduado/a) Duración: 01/09/2015 – 31/12/2015 (prorrogable hasta 30/09/2017)  — Descargar Contrato predoctoral Estadística Espacial como PDF —

Anuncio de contrato predoctoral para la formación de doctores

El Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) ha asignado un contrato predoctoral para la formación de doctores (ver anuncio adjunto) al proyecto de investigación “Inferencia estadística compleja y de alta dimensión: en genómica, neurociencia, oncología, materiales complejos, malherbología, medio ambiente,… Seguir leyendo →

University of Nottingham, Assistant Professor in Statistics

Job Title: Assistant Professor in Statistics Institution: University of Nottingham, UK  — Descargar University of Nottingham, Assistant Professor in Statistics como PDF —

Vice-Chancellor Research Fellowships at QUT, Brisbane, Australia

Gday Are you looking for a postdoc or more senior fellowship in Data Science, Computational Modelling and Simulation Science? Are you up for an adventure in Australia, located at one of the country’s oldest and largest group of Bayesian statisticians?… Seguir leyendo →

PhD in Statistics and Mathematical Finance

Contents of the PhD Program and information for prospective students (application instruction, deadlines, scholarships) — Descargar PhD in Statistics and Mathematical Finance como PDF —

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