Categoría Noticias

Data Manager Multiply / ICARIA projects (Biostatistical and Data Management / Maternal, Child and Reproductive Health)

The Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) is a cutting-edge institute addressing global public health challenges through research, translation into policy and education. ISGlobal has a broad portfolio in communicable and non-communicable diseases including environmental and climate determinants, and applies… Seguir leyendo →

Week-CoDaCourse 2022

Dear colleagues,   We are delighted to announce that our one-week Compositional Data Analysis course (the week-CoDaCourse) is scheduled to be back face-to-face in 2022. This will be the 9th edition of the course to be held in Girona (Spain)… Seguir leyendo →

València International Bayesian Summer School (VIBASS 5)

We are happy to announce the València International Bayesian Summer School (VIBASS 5) that will take place from 18 to 22 July 2022 in València (Spain). VIBASS 5 is a 5-day summer school that offers an opportunity to be introduced… Seguir leyendo →

Convocatoria de contrato asociado al proyecto

Convocatoria de contrato asociado al proyecto: “Armonización de datos poblacionales de fauna silvestre en España: aplicaciones para la vigilancia sanitaria y control de enfermedades compartidas con el ganado (HAWIPO)”; financiado por el Plan Nacional de Investigación. Call for a contract… Seguir leyendo →


Día: 4 de febrero de 2022 Formato: presencial (aforo limitado) y virtual Lugar de celebración: Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Salón de Actos Ernest Lluch (pab 13). Avda Monforte de Lemos 5, 28029, Madrid Inscripción: gratuita. Aforo presencial limitado; es… Seguir leyendo →

Postdoctoral position in Bioinformatics

We are looking for a one researcher (R2) with a PhD degree in mathematics, physics, computer science, biomedicine, biology or equivalent, with a background in data analysis and bioinformatics, ideally applied to neurobiology. This position is linked to the IKUR… Seguir leyendo →

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