Categoría Noticias

Position at the Coordination Center for Clinical Trials in Düsseldorf

With around 6,200 employees, the University Hospital is one of the largest employers in Düsseldorf and is constantly developing further. The Coordination Center for Clinical Trials (KKS) has an open position for a (Bio-)Statistician Ref-No. 453E/19 The vacancy is initially… Seguir leyendo →

Research Assistant with Programming Skills (m/f/d)

The Institute of Genetic Epidemiology at Medical Center – University of Freiburg is looking for a: Research Assistant with Programming Skills (m/f/d) The Institute of Genetic Epidemiology generates new insights into the (patho-)physiology of complex human traits and diseases, which… Seguir leyendo →

València International Bayesian Analysis Summer School, 4th edition

VIBASS4 is the Fourth edition of the summer school on Bayesian Statistics to be held from 13 to 17 July 2020 in València (Spain). The five days of VIBASS are organised in three parts: The first two days include a… Seguir leyendo →

Seminario: Deep learning aplicat a la recerca clínica, una revolució en els mètodes basats en la intel·ligència artificial. Building collaborative knowledge in rare diseases through ontologies and Deep Learning

El grupo de investigación BIOST3 organiza este seminario, al que estáis todos invitados el día 22-01-2020 (15h, duración 1h) a la Biblioteca (miércoles). Sección Estadística. Facultad de Biologia Universitat de Barcelona. Avda. Diagonal, 643. 08028 Barcelona Deep learning aplicat a… Seguir leyendo →

EPSRC PhD studentship in Statistics at King’s College London

Applications are now open for an EPSRC PhD studentship in Statistics at King’s College London (UK), London. This EPSRC PhD studentship will be based at King’s College London at Strand Campus. There is some flexibility on the starting date,… Seguir leyendo →

IDIBELL quiere incorporar un estadístico/a para la Unidad de Bioestadística

Plazo de envío de candidaturas: 31/01/2020   Funciones  Asesoramiento estadístico y metodológico de estudios clínicos y epidemiológicos: diseño de cuestionarios de recogida de datos, cálculo del tamaño de la muestra, plan de análisis estadístico, tratamiento de datos y análisis avanzado… Seguir leyendo →

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